Monday, November 19, 2018


by Cort Wrotnowski

Pessimism is not my style.  I want to believe in a positive future for all - including Connecticut.  However, Some Time Soon....things are going to get very much worse in this state.  We now have a governor-elect who is a descendant of a socialist philosopher and himself an advocate for socialism, standing ready to apply his brand of blindness to the state's fiscal reality.

To dig that whole socialism thing, you have to be tuned out to certain facts of life.  First and foremost, the role of individual rights and liberties with their attendant responsibilities needs to be low on the list of a socialist.  This leaves plenty of room for even more destructive policies to drive  Connecticut even further into the hole.

0  The tolls
0  The new property tax
0  The threat of further decline in the state's credit ratings
0  The impact of bailing out Hartford
0  The further loss of businesses, and new business formation
0  The shifting of the tax burden as more affluent people flee this state
0  The continuing and expanding damage done by the sanctuary cities

That is just for openers.  Count on many more legislative proposals to drive every sane resident of this state into a frenzy.  The democrats in this state are shifting ever leftward.  It will only get worse for the middle class in this state.

This problem is exacerbated by a moribund GOP in Connecticut.  Elements have improved, but they have been inadequate to the task of taking on a much bigger foe.  If I may...

A Tale of Two Squirrels

As I was driving home earlier this morning, in front of me came two squirrels.  A red one and a grey one.  The red squirrel was half the size of the grey squirrel, but had twice the fight in him.  He had the grey squirrel running for it's life.  The red squirrel was in hot pursuit with only one goal in mind.  Get that damn grey squirrel.

You bet I see an analogy.  That red squirrel could be the Republicans, and the grey squirrel could be the Democrats.  As aggressive as the Democrats are, if the Republicans are going to come back in Connecticut, they will have to be twice as aggressive as the Democrats.  Nothing less will work.

....back to our regular program.  Since I am not privy to the planning of the inner sanctum of the Connecticut Republicans, I have no idea how they are evaluating these election results.  The impact of the "Hate Trump" component of the Democrat vote is high on the list, but the more fundamental truth applies.  Democrats continue to win on GOTV efforts.  They have enough active, engaged, party members that they can field teams of "precinct captains" in key towns to knock of doors mercilessly until lazy Democrats are gotten to the polls.  The CT GOP, not so much.

Elections have consequences and we will see them and hear them, some time soon...

We also lost ground on the legislature.  This will only embolden the worst elements.  The Aresimowitz's of the world will continue to exploit every opportunity, make every protestation of innocence and victimhood available to them, and do their best to pound down every Republican in sight.

Fight back? Damn well better.  What form it takes is still a mystery.  There was a time when there were large and effective taxpayer protest groups in this state.  Where did they go?

Whatever group of conservative citizens can be mustered to keep up public pressure, then it should be done.  But the CT GOP better cherish them rather than play the RINO game.  The next couple months are critical as the new and even more liberal-socialist office holders take their seats.

Better be ready for what is coming some time soon...

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